Reusable Shopping Bag
1.) Selection of Fabric:
Repurpose anything you may have available - an unused or well-loved tablecloth, some leftover material from a quilt or outfit, etc.
2.) Wash and Dry:
Use only clean material. Be aware that some fabrics may shrink.
3.) Iron:
Optional, but helpful.
4.) Cut:
Depending on the size of the material you’ve selected, cut a pattern from one of the shapes below for your bag.
5.) Pin and Sew Sides:
Fold your pattern inside-out. Pin seams as shown along dotted lines in the above diagrams and then sew the seams. Be sure to backstitch to start and end all seams; trim off loose thread ends.
6.) Bottom of Bag:
With your bag upside down and the side seam facing you, make a triangle with the tip face-up and the side seam running down the middle, in line with what will be the middle of the bottom of the bag (see diagram below). Measure from the tip 2 inches down the side seam. Mark this point and then draw a dotted line (or pin) from side-to-side to make the bottom of the triangle (~4 inches across). Sew on this dotted line. Repeat on the other side. This forms the bottom of the bag.
7.) Label:
If you do not have a ReUse ME label, make your own with a 2x2+ inch piece of muslin or light-colored cloth. Use a fabric marker or indelible pen and write “ReUse ME - made by ———” with the date. Find the midpoint of the side of the bag, and sew the label into the top inside hem of the bag when following directions in the next step.
8.) Top Hem:
Turn under x2 onto inside of bag, creating a hem about 1 inch deep. There should be no raw edges visible. Pin, and sew near edge of hem, including the label.
9.) Handles:
For larger bags, measure 3-4 inches from the sides of the bag for placement of the handles on each side. For smaller bags, measure 2-3 inches. Turn under 1 inch of the handle before sewing in pattern below. The minimum length for the handles should be at least 18 inches; longer for over-the-shoulder or cross body. For smaller bags, a single, longer handle attached at the side seams is an option.
10.) Last Steps:
Turn right-side-to. You are now ready to use the bag and teach others how to make their own!